The Way of Immunity

Coxsackie B virus
Learn a simple skill that may enable you to remove the coxsackie B virus

If you remove your susceptibility to coxsackie B virus (and to do this you must train yourself to stop your reactions to the coxsackie B virus at their source) your current coxsackie episode ends somewhat sooner - and may never return - because the coxsackie B virus will ultimately die.

If you're a doctor we implore you: discover this.

Can kids teach this to themselves? Here's one who did.

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Adom Hartell, age 4, with his mother,
Sophia, who is an acupuncturist in NYC.

You can probably pick this up most easily with your on-line tutorial audios and movies, though there are also text tutorials.

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The advantage with the audio and movie tutorials is that you'll see and hear people do this, and you may find it easy to do it yourself after a few minutes of listening or watching.

If you're a doctor we implore you: discover this.

The common form of this virus is generally benign, causing symptoms no more serious than a common cold or sore throat. The coxsackie virus mutation, however, attacks heart tissues, causing heart failure. Coxsackie viruses can also cause myositis, a muscle infection; meningitis, an infection of the membranes that cover the brain; and encephalitis, a brain infection.
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If you have not yet taught yourself Your Accessing Skill, please do so now -

Because the Accessing Skill will give you the basic skills you need to cure yourself of infection due to the Coxsackie B virus.

Because accessing will enable you to see how you will cure yourself of  infection related  to the Coxsackie B virus.  

And because accessing will make you happy.


Comprehensive Version

an instructional documentary film about your instant way to remove, install and know

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Copyright © 1996 World Harmonic Unified Ministers
Revised May 6,1998